Normand Caux
Pack leader and co-founder
Visionary, fighter and tenacious, Normand is passionate about everything related to agriculture. His vision and optimism allow him to always find a way to move forward. Biker, traveler, music lover and beer drinker, he likes to share a good meal in good company, served with a craft beer and a Québec whisky as an after-dinner.

Josée Laflamme
Numbers Ninja and Co-Founder
With her contagious happiness and her true kindness, Josée has her heart set on making sure everybody feels at home at the malt house. She takes care of the administrative tasks as well as leading special projects. She loves to travel, to motorcycle, to hike and to work as a volunteer for several programs, one of which is Mira. Her dog Bruschetta needs a lot of energy to follow its mistress, because Josée walks her 20,000 steps a day, rain or shine

William Laflamme-Caux
Unifying optimizer and co-owner
A tinsmith by trade, William has been involved in the malt house from the very beginning. He now works as a production project manager. Father of three, Will is always ready to help with anything, he is known for his wit and repartee and is a true unifier. He likes to do mechanics and sports and he is always keen to have a good time surrounded by good people.

Rose-Line Laflamme-Caux
Head of special missions and co-owner
Versatile and determined to get the work done, Rose-Line completes tasks in production, administration and organization for the malt house. She is a new mom who is passionate about animals and also likes to play team sports. She is known for her efficiency at work and her contagious laugh.

Vincent Roy
Head of Recipes and Co-Owner
Meticulous and naturally good at explaining, Vincent is always willing to take up challenges. He is in charge of the recipe creation and the quality assurance of our produces. Besides gaming and catching Pokémon, Vince also likes to brew beers with his friends and participate in sporting events, especially when there’s a good beer to win!

Myriam Laflamme-Caux
Link weaver and co-owner
Myriam has joined the team as the business development manager and the network expert. She tends to get off the beaten track and finds fulfillment in challenges. Mom of two, she’s always on the lookout for a new adventure to go, a mountain to climb or a trail of cross-country skiing to try.